If you are a black man over 30 and have grown up poor there is a strong chance that you have PTSD.
Dont believe me? Check this out…
PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.
Most people who go through traumatic events may have temporary difficulty adjusting and coping, but with time and good self-care, they usually get better. If the symptoms get worse, last for months or even years, and interfere with your day-to-day functioning, you may have PTSD.
Here is a graphic that shows some of the events that may cause PTSD:
I don’t know about you but I have definitely suffered the effects from #3 and #4 on the list. And with all due respect to the soldiers out there I think I’ve suffered from #2 (combat exposure) as well.
Everything on this list is common in the hood.
I mean have been attacked, shot at, seen a murder, seen violence on almost every level you can think of. I know a lot of us share that experience. Everybody that I grew up with grew up in a dysfunctional household in a city filled with dysfunction. The dysfunction had become so normalized you have zero idea that the rest of America doesn’t live that way.
In order to survive these experiences a lot of us have developed these Hyper Masculine personas as a defense mechanism. We were taught that if you weren’t an Alpha then you are pussy!
Although we have survived those traumatic events and dysfunction but the effects still linger. There were things we had to do to survive and habits that we have picked up that are not very healthy.
For instance we all LOVE to root for the bad guy. Probably because we can relate to them (shared struggle) and our mistrust for law enforcement.
We don’t treat our women the best because we grew up around ratchets and rarely saw men treat them right.
We have carried with us archaic methods of raising our children when we know it didn’t work on most of the people we grew up with. Including ourselves!
We never got good at reading because we were to worried about the shooters, family members, the neighborhood bully, eating, etc… So that when we are finally get out of that environment we are far behind our counterparts
We never could afford nice clothes, gadgets, cars, etc.. and now that’s what we spend all of our money on.
Those are not the only effects our PTSD has on us. See graphic below:
But it is not all doom and gloom. Those who are able to recognize the trauma that they dealt with and can take the positives from their experiences and forgive and forget the past transgressions come out with the strength and determination to be great.
I always say there is not much I could go through that would trump the shit i have dealt with in the past. So now when I meet a moment of adversity i am completely un-bothered . Because of my trauma I have become adaptable, altruistic and empathetic. All valuable tools you need to become the BOSS we all like to tell ourselves we are.
This interview of Jeezy on Everyday Struggle typifies what a better black man does once he has overcome his trauma. Salute to Jeezy for being a better black man!
Do not let your past hold you from your future
Are you ready to be a better man? Fuck with me then!
I read this extremely interesting blog post yesterday that had me in my feels. I mean this brother was pretty much unpacking my post college life with extraordinary eloquence. I was actually a bit jealous because I hadn’t written it myself. I agreed and felt almost every part of the post. Here are a few excerpts:
“The popular image of Black men in America is an uneducated, unemployed goon. Far from the truth but people see what they are comfortable seeing. So when they see a Black man who is striving for success their minds have trouble dealing with the reality in front of them. That’s why when they see a Black man who has a high price sports car and he’s not an entertainer or athlete they think he’s a drug dealer. Even some of friends might think he’s hustling illegal substances. I’ve had that happen to me.”
“With so many negative perceptions a Black man on the path to success develops a tendency to stay to himself. A few are lucky to be among a similar group of men. Most, however, are on an isolated path with maybe one or two confidants.”
And finally
“Most people in society value the safety of being in a herd. The herd gets uncomfortable with the person who wants to rise above the herd. Often the Black man who wants to go beyond the proscribed path of the herd is ridiculed and unsupported in his path to success. The successful Black man realizes, sometimes from a young age, that he may have to leave the people he loves behind. It is a very hard choice. Ultimately he has to choose himself because his drive to make a mark on the world is so strong. That doesn’t make the choice any easier.”
I can empathize with each and every one of those statements because it’s how I have moved through the world up until just about this year.
Now that I have found a moderate bit of success and stability (and a new habit) I have now been able to reach back out to love ones from the past and begin to mend those relationships. Every black man striving to be better will hopefully become self-aware enough to do the same.
So up until this point in the post my man is spot on and killing me with these ideas and feelings that I couldn’t find a way to describe myself. Then he wrote this….
“Even in the realm of male/female relationships it can be lonely. You are reading this blog because I made a decision that I wanted to make my mark through writing. Yet when I used to tell women what I wanted to do they didn’t believe I could do it. They wondered if I could make money writing. The number of women who offered support I could count on one hand with fingers left over. I learned to keep my interactions with women on a superficial level so I would at least get sex from them. It was shame I couldn’t open up to many women because they lacked vision. Many successful Black men have told me they had the same experiences.”
Well homie I couldn’t disagree with you more. Most of the men I know like myself have nothing BUT influential women in our lives with vision that helped us find ourselves.
I have learned some of life’s greatest lessons via interactions with women. I learn how to read people through the detailed conversation had with them. Learned how to love better by listening to them. I also learned how to organize from women.
Those lessons described are but a fraction of what I have learned from them and man if I am to be honest there have not been that many men that I can say the same of. At least not any that I know personally.
I mean I had Uncle Marshall, my Grandfather from time to time, Mr. Willy taught me how to tie my shows and my left from my rights (one of the most traumatic experiences for me as a kid) and Commissioner Charles Everett Jr has helped me along at different stages of my Aviation career. That’s about it. But for me to list the influential women of my life I would have a list about ten pages long with zero hesitation.
All of what I just mentioned is true of maybe my first 30 years on this planet. Since turning thirty success has started to find me and subsequently my networking opportunities. Also moving around the country a lot for work helps with being able to meet more successful/like minded men. Which means that now I definitely have around me a group of men that I would deem influential and integral to my continued success.
I recommend every young black man to try living someplace else. Most of the men that I know that have moved away from their home city have found a lot more success in their new home.
But this is my personal opinion based on my personal experiences.
After reading this blog post I became really interested in what the opposite sex would have to say about it. Being that I thought it was a unique perspective that I hadn’t seen shared a lot I figured that most women would probably learn something from it. Here are a few of the responses that I have seen:
another conversation
These are conversations with a few women that I know. They obviously didn’t agree with the statements about women that were made in the post.
Here is what some of the fellas had to say about the the topic:
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I have shared my opinion on the post and also those of others. But now I am interested in hearing your opinion. You can read the blog post for yourself using the link below. Please share your opinion in the comments box. Thank you
Every man should have at least ONE suit. And every man who is trying to be better should probably have around three (I only have one oops) and here’s why:
Black Men VALUE Respect – there is something about a man in suit that commands respect from the ignorant. The ignorant instantly thinks a man is better than them when they wear a suit. They would never admit it. As a matter of fact nobody even talks about it. But a man in a suit gets a psychological advantage in a lot of situations.
Black Men Want to be Fly – I don’t know what it is but in MOST of our DNA we have the need to be fly. Maybe it started with our humble beginnings and ends with us finally being able to consume. But we all know the story, there’s a reason why we spend most of our income annually; Being Fly!
Black Women love to see us in them – another thing that people see in a man wearing a suit is POWER. Fellas if you do it right and get the right suit for your body type you will instantly develop a cone of influence! You will look and more importantly feel IMPORTANT. And homie, rock that shit once and awhile and see how the women respond to you when you change it up.
I personally am not beholden to any brand, I shop for deals. I refuse to pay full price for pretty much anything and a suits no different. But I got my last suit at a Banana Republic Outlet store. I got a suit pretty much like this (see below) that fit almost perfectly off the rack for under $200. Right after Cyber Monday too I think.
Go ahead and get yourself some fly ass shoes too. This is who I fuck with on that tip!
While you are at it get some accessories to complete your look. I get my ties, pocket squares and other accessories from this monthly subscription box called SprezzaBox.
Russell Wilson is a black man (mixed heritage) who played college football for the University of Wisconsin during the 2011 season, in which he set the single-season FBS record for passing efficiency (191.8) and led the team to a Big Ten title and the 2012 Rose Bowl. Wilson played football and baseball for North Carolina State University from 2008 to 2010 before transferring to Wisconsin. Wilson also played minor league baseball for the Tri-City Dust Devils in 2010 and the Asheville Tourists in 2011 as a second baseman.
Wilson was selected by the Seattle Shehawks with the 12th pick in the third round (75th overall) of the 2012 NFL Draft. In 2012, he tied Peyton Manning's record for most passing touchdowns by a rookie (26)
and was named the Pepsi NFL Rookie of the Year. Only 6 black quarterbacks have played in a Super Bowl and only 2 have won it. In 2013, he led the Shehawks to their first ever Super Bowl victory, and in 2014, led them to a second straight Super Bowl berth. Wilson has won more games (56) than any other NFL quarterback in his first five seasons, and is currently the second highest rated NFL passer of all time behind Aaron Rodgers, at the time, the second highest paid player in the NFL. But BLACK MEN don’t
seem to like him (not counting Shehawks fans).
Here’s why:
“Russell Wilson isnt black enough”
Back in 2014 there were stories circulating saying that some Shehawks players claimed that Russell Wilson isn’t black enough. Those are some sentiments that I’ve heard from friends and throughout social media about Russell Wilson and other brothers that speak in complete sentences regularly. A smart man would understand that blackness comes in all shares, shapes and personalities.
Even if a man doesn’t act like you and your dumb ass friends doesn’t mean he is less black than you.
“Russell Wilson is a Simp”
That article sums up my opinion on this matter. Read HERE
I don’t know when it became cool to worship all the worst shit about ourselves. Maybe it started in the 70’s when they started getting the black father out of the house. But hopefully we eventually go back to how we were in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Back then the black community held themselves to the highest
of standards.
Now we have emotional men being raised by emotional women without their emotionless fathers in the house. And most of these young men’s fastest path to popularity is through dysfunction. SO I can understand how we are where we are now.
How a young man who is happily married to his wife can be called corny for publicly honoring her. How that same man can be called corny for doing the job of raising another mans son. I think it is interesting how we think his behavior is abnormal but don’t think the same of the shit on Worldstar.
I never really liked Russell Wilson because he is the quarterback of the Shehawks (I am a Niners fan). But I respect how he handles himself on the field and how he is with his family. Russell Wilson is a good dude. I wish we had more like him.
Fellas, if you have a woman that you care about, I want you to send this video to her. Watch her watch the video and when it’s finished and you see the LOOK keep that.
The other day my home girl was at a wine festival on snapchat and the caption read “Where are all the fine men at?”And my first thought was it must have been the city that she lives in; because men go to wine festivals RIGHT??? I mean we like wine and shit too don’t we?And then I thought about the times that I had been to a wine festival and realized I NEVER was alone….….I was with a woman!Are men really that clueless about where to meet good women? Probably!!! Before I get to my list I would like to first define Wifey (in my terms). Wifey – A woman who you are unashamed of bringing around friends or family and also has those qualities that make you want to be a better man. Here is my list
Honorable Mention
Woman do everything and go everywhere. And i mean everywhere; sports bars, strip clubs, sporting events, etc… That’s where i meet them anyways.
5. Dating App/SiteI bet 85% of single black women have been on either a dating app or site. So statistically speaking Wifey has to be there right? To find her you will definitely have to weed through the white girls, ratchets, girls you friend zone, dinner pimps and lost souls just to find her. 4. Speed DatingFellas if I thought more people did this I would put it at #1. Speed Dating is the Dim Sum of dating. You get to have a small plate of 8 to 10 women all in one meal. And EVERY SINGLE one of them is there because they are seriously looking for a relationship. I know this because speed dating isn’t cheap. Average cost is probably between 20-50 dollars so any woman who pays for that is serious. Also, the women who go to speed dating are probably career women who don’t have much time for bullshit. She wont have a heavy social media presence unless she owns her own business and did you hear me when I said you can talk to 10 of them in one sitting! Pro tip: If your macking skills are bad, speed dating is the perfect place to practice. The old saying “You know if you will have sex with someone within moments of meeting them.” Fellas work on that initial moment during your speed dating practice sessions and you will be a Romeo in no time. Trust Me3. Wine/Food FestivalsAll of these events are filled with women and couples and have a limited amount of single male participation (less competition). Every weekend I am on snap I see women posting vids from their wine festival excursions with all their fine ass friends! Women who go to wine/food festivals tend to be educated, open minded and fun. Also you will get the opportunity to expand your IQ on wine and food. IQ expansion is always good fellas. Next spring or summer make sure to check out a few. 2. Networking Event/MixerThese events vary depending on the group mixing but the idea is to attend a Networking Event/Mixer that aligns with a passion of yours. For example if you work in business or want to a networking event is perfect for you. You will have the opportunity to meet many likeminded women. 1. School The ultimate place to meet wifey. I think the most sustaining relationships begin in school. Most of the folk that I know got married to someone they met in school have lasted a while. And most of my friends met “wifey” there. The reason is because not only do you meet likeminded women but you get to see them navigate the world daily before you even talk to them. So you can learn A lot about a person in school before talking whilst in all the other instances mentioned you would just be meeting the person. So the evaluation period is longer and also expectations are low. The women you meet in school aren’t the ones frantic for marriage (that happens around 35). So fellas if you are still in school or know of that one who got away from your school begin your search there. I am sure you will like what you find.
Someone asked me recently to write about my views on BLACK MEN and Manhood. That particular topic could spawn 100+ posts alone because there are so many levels to unwrap. But I do think I can sum up those “traits” that real BLACK MEN should avoid at all cost.
To do that I have picked 5 BLACK MEN that have something about them that we should never know anything about. Check out this list below:
5 Raymond Lewis
“Plays Both Sides”
Have you ever heard the phrase “If you dont stand for anything you stand for nothing” This phrase sums up Mr. Lewis quite well. Pick a side bruh!!!
Raymond Lewis is a topic in barber shops across America. I wont get into the adjectives used to describe the brother but here’s the story as it stands today.
It turns out that wasn’t the case, however. As Lewis made clear in a passionate exchange on Showtime’s “Inside the NFL” that his decision to join his former team on the field and kneel during the anthem was to “simply honor God in the midst of chaos.”
See exactly what he said here:
Now bruh I have no issue with you wanting to pray and whatever but don’t fawk up what these REAL MEN and WOMAN are trying to accomplish. It is okay that you love football more than being black but remember it was us “black” folk who were behind you when you were charged with murder.
N363833 01: Baltimore Ravens Pro Bowl linebacker Ray Lewis during his first appearance in Atlanta Municipal Court in Atlanta, Georgia on February 1, 2000. Lewis was charged with murder in the stabbing of two men during post Super Bowl celebration early Monday, January 31, in the Buckhead neighborhood of Atlanta. (Photo by Liaison Agency)
The bottom line is this. Brothers and Sisters if you don’t agree with the work that folk are putting in complain in the comforts of your own home. Our initiatives can’t survive with open decisiveness from those with the biggest platforms. Choose a side, stick with it and don’t back down when the consequences come a calling!
4 Suge (Sugar) Knight
Almost every black person you know grew up around a Sugar Knight type Bully, Big, Ugly, Mean and destined to die or end up in jail at a young age.
Here is a list of Sugars “Bullying” Tactics and Consequences (I know the list is long, skip to the end and you will still get the point):
In October 1987, Knight was arrested for domestic violence after he assaulted his girlfriend and cut off her ponytail on the street.
On October 31, 1987, Knight was arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada for auto theft, carrying a concealed weapon and attempted murder. He had allegedly shot a man three times while stealing his car. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge, and received two years probation.
In 1996, Knight was sent to prison for a probation violation and in February 1997 was sentenced to nine years in prison. He was released on August 6, 2001.
In 2003 he was sent to prison again for violating parole when he struck a parking lot attendant. Death Row Records’ income rapidly declined due to Knight’s incarceration. It managed to save itself from complete bankruptcy by releasing archived Snoop Dogg compilation albums and posthumous Tupac albums. Despite signing new artists, Knight never released any of their albums.
In 2006 Knight was engaged in another dispute with former friend and ex-associate Snoop Dogg after Snoop insulted him in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine.
On May 10, 2008, Knight was involved in an altercation involving a monetary dispute outside of a nightclub in Hollywood. He was knocked out for 3 minutes, taken to the hospital, and reportedly did not cooperate with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD).
On August 27, 2008, Knight was arrested on drug and aggravated assault charges after leaving a Las Vegas strip club. When police arrived on the scene, Knight was beating his girlfriend of three years, Melissa Isaac, and brandishing a knife. Reports also alleged that he was under the influence of both ecstasy and hydrocodone.
As part of an October 30, 2008 bankruptcy claim, Knight also filed a lawsuit against Kanye West and his associates. The lawsuit concerns an August 2005 shooting at West’s pre-Video Music Awards party, where Knight was wounded by a gunshot to the upper leg.The lawsuit cites damages of mental and physical pain caused by the shooting, costs of surgery, loss of income and the theft of a 15-carat (3.0 g) US$147,000 diamond earring.
In February 2009, Knight was taken to Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn to be treated for face injuries he received during an altercation at a private party in the W Scottsdale Hotel, where Knight was reportedly punched by Robert L. Carnes Jr. after exchanging words with him.
On February 8, 2012, Knight was arrested in Las Vegas, after police found marijuana in his car and several warrants for prior traffic violations.
On August 24, 2014, Knight was shot at a pre-Video Music Awards party hosted by Chris Brown in Los Angeles. Although shot six times, he was able to walk from the venue to an ambulance. His injuries required surgery.
On October 29, 2014, Knight and comedian Katt Williams were arrested for the theft of a camera from photographer Leslie Redden in an incident which occurred in Beverly Hills on September 5. Both men were charged with second degree robbery.
On January 29, 2015, Knight was involved in a hit-and-run incident that left one man dead and another hospitalized in Compton, California. Knight turned himself in to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department early the next morning and was arrested on suspicion of murder. Killed was Terry Carter, co-founder of Heavyweight Records and a friend of Knight. The second victim, filmmaker Cle Sloan, suffered a mangled foot and head injuries.Witnesses claim that Knight followed the men after an argument on the Straight Outta Compton film set to a burger stand parking lot, and that the collision looked intentional.
According to Eminem‘s bodyguard, who is known as Big Naz, Knight allegedly tried to have Eminem killed.
The reason why you shouldn’t want to be a bully should be evident by Sugar Knights run ins with the law and near deaths. The UNIVERSE always finds a way to deal with bullies. They are almost always dealt with. For you; a young black man that means you will either die young or spend a lot of time in jail. DONT!!!
3 Orenthal James “O. J.” Simpson
“Uncle Tom”
The term “Uncle Tom” is used as a derogatory epithet for an excessively subservient person, particularly when that person perceives their own lower-class status based on race. It is similarly used to negatively describe a person who betrays their own group by participating in its oppression, whether or not they do so willingly.The term has also, with more intended neutrality, been applied in psychology in the form “Uncle Tom syndrome“, a term for the use of subservience, appeasement and passivity to cope with intimidation and threats.
The transgressions of OJ have been well documented and I wont rehash any of that here. But his love hate relationship with the black community is best depicted in the HBO 30 for 30 special OJ Made in America (Click here) on Espn. Well loved by the black community in the 80s and 90s OJ chose to dissociate himself with us to further his “American Dream”.
When the opportunities came for OJ to join other athletes in protest for our rights he stayed out of it in order to continue to cultivate his white relationships. Subsequently he thought his social status, fancy Brentwood address and celebrity status made him immune to being a black man in America.
And every time he has faced legal troubles he has turned to the black community for support. He is lucky we are the most forgiving people on earth. We should be done with him by now but I doubt that we are.
2 Ray Rice
“Woman Beater”
Do I even need to explain? Just watch this video and don’t do anything like this EVER! ( I will do a full post on this subject later)
1Sheriff David Clarke
So I am not the type of man who reacts off of what people on social media say. Well I mean I react but I like to react with my own opinion formed by a bit of research. So when I first heard folk call this dude a coon and uncle tom all over the internet. But i gave him the benefit of the doubt and did a little bit of research.
And you know what?
He is the worst kind too. Ole black negro with decades of experience in probably the most racist police department in the country. Do you guys know that this dude is out here calling for HARDER sentences on petty drug crimes. Check this out:
I saw this dude and instantly realized that there is something we don’t know about him! (shout out to Solluminati)
And then I saw THIS!!!!
This was an excellent video by the way but I wanna let yall in on something….
….. Did yall know that this fool did all of this just to get famous????
I dont like this dude. I think if I saw him we’d have to throw hands. (Im only serious)
And then there was this
His opportunistic ass has found his way over to nestle up under the bosom of masta. And is probably now getting ready to reap his vengeance on the negros that bullied him when he was a child. Be warned my brothers and sistas. This dude here is TROUBLE!
My G, I saw the most amazing thing last night. I watched this video and it instantly blew my mind and made me want to do better. This video was of a group of women dancing in some secret studio in heaven. And they were dancing to a song that I love by my musical persona the R&B General Tank. Ok I will leave you in suspense no longer, here is the video!
This video was produced by the DYNAMIC Ayila Janell (the fly girl in the middle at the beginning) Now I know you can respect what you just saw. I mean my head exploded about five times during the video. First of all the song choice was right on point with the routine (I bet you didn’t realize they all were doing the same dance routine!). The way they were dressed was all the way 21st century sexy dancer. And the dancers themselves were the best things I’ve ever seen. But the routine itself!!!
NI&&A!!! (Yeah I use the word, I will explain in another post)
I think that’s what we need, fellas. If you can get you a woman that will do that for you when you need it you need to let her be herself and do what she wants to do. And you need to do the cooking and dishes.
Seduction and Sensuality are things that may be missing a lot in our homes; But I know our woman want to have that skill in tow but we have to let them be themselves and open up. We have to allow them to feel sexy and do sexy things. And then they will do those Seductive and Sensual things that we want. Don’t be a regular dude bruh, be adventurous, spontaneous and flexible for your woman and she will be those things for you.
The last time I tried this I failed horribly. I think I got a bit too preachy (black folk don’t like to be preached to unless they are at church!). So this time I will try my best to keep my words to a minimum.
We definitely have a lot of shit going on in this country right now, don’t we? I mean shit we are kneeling and praying during national anthems, we are boycotting football, putting our CSI experience to use, coon marking, surviving natural disasters, a Manchurian candidate shot up Vegas and the POLICE are still killing us in cold blood.
So I can understand why we would be a bit distracted from what we should be focused on, which is….
….making our communities whole.
Colin Kaepernick’s sacrifice has been on our minds almost daily since the NFL season began. Not only did he risk his job by taking a stand. He also has continuously put his money and time to use and has been putting in work within the community( Click here for more on that) . Lets try following his example of selflessness.
There are indeed folk within our communities that are putting in actual work! They don’t spend their time arguing on Facebook. They have created programs and opportunities for countless individuals and families.
So I want to help us get back on track.
In my experience it has been better to get involved with an organization at its inception. That has allowed me to push my agenda upfront; which is always to put my people on.
Here are some organizations from EVERY city that I have lived in that I know could use your time, sponsorship and donations. Some of these organizations have made me the man I am today. Some I have been a part of from a voluntary standpoint and others from within leadership. They all struggle every year just to exist.
Help me help them.
District of Columbia
Black Lives Matter – #BlackLivesMatter is working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. We affirm our contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression. We have put our sweat equity and love for Black people into creating a political project–taking the hashtag off of social media and into the streets. The call for Black lives to matter is a rallying cry for ALL Black lives striving for liberation.
What Does #BlackLivesMatter Mean?
When we say Black Lives Matter, we are broadening the conversation around state violence to include all of the ways in which Black people are intentionally left powerless at the hands of the state. We are talking about the ways in which Black lives are deprived of our basic human rights and dignity.
Palm Bay Youth Athletic Association – The Palm Bay Youth Athletic Association (PBYAA) is an organization that provides athletic opportunities for young people. Our goal is to introduce, teach, and develop the fundamentals of football & cheerleading to our local youth as well as to promote good sportsmanship, teamwork, and healthy competition.
PBYAA is a non-profit organization of parents and local citizens that has come together to provide football and cheerleading experience for the youth of our community. All money goes to support team supplies and activities. This is a combination organization supporting both football and cheerleading activities.
Tuskegee Next – The Mission: Honoring the legacy of the Tuskegee Airman, Tuskegee Next seeks to transforms the lives of at risk youth through aviation education and career path opportunities, so they can transform their communities.
Our Strategy: Tuskegee Next seeks to provide role models and a clear path toward aviation careers through: Flight Training, Life Skills, and Educational Assistance.
The Goal: The goal is to get 100 young men and women their private pilots licenses in 10 years.
Aerostars – The mission of the AeroStars Aviation Exploration Apprenticeship (A2EA) After School Matters Program is to provide leadership development to students by enhancing the academic awareness of the applied sciences through fun, hands-on demonstration. Our objectives are to teach students about the history and importance of aerospace technology in our everyday lives, expose students to the vast array of career opportunities within the aerospace industry, assist students in attaining the skills necessary to participate and lead in the next generation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) innovations, and support students interested in pursuing a career path in any particular area. Lead by the dynamic Tammera Holmes.
Boys and Girls Club of BELLPORT AREA – Here at the Boys & Girls Club we are looking towards the future – the future of our members.
The Club offers programs that impact the lives of our members in vital areas such as academic success, good character and citizenship, and healthy lifestyles. These programs and activities help youth thrive. Young people need to know that someone cares about them and we are here to support them in every aspect of their lives.
No matter how one participates – a volunteer, a mentor, a tutor, a donor, a staff member – collectively we make a difference. We can all put children on the path to a great future.
Boys Hope Girls Hope – Operating a college preparatory boarding program in Brooklyn, NY, BHGHNY has a mission to help academically capable and motivated children from at-risk situations meet their full potential and become men and women for others by providing them with the safe and stable living environment, academic support, and guidance they need to finish high school, graduate from college, and become responsible and productive citizens.
Southwest Community Center – Man, this place is an institution in Syracuse. They have probably had a hand in the lives of 70% of the African Americans in the community. I love that place. With Bongos and B&B’s across the street. I just love it all!
You could go to the Southwest Center and play basketball, be in a play, learn how to cook, read, write and listen, work, learn to swim, get married and help the community.
Please help Aunt Tracie and the crew ensure that they continue to be a pillar in our community.
Precious Lily & Brotherhood Foundation – a program ran by new City Councilwoman Latoya Allen is a mentor program located in Syracuse, NY. They focus on the importance of education and empowerment throughout our community. They host family events throughout the year and also teach our children the importance of giving back. They encourage our children to participate in the active process of making our city a better place to live.
As you can see the majority of the organizations listed are tailored to the youth. I know there are countless organizations out there doing work for ALL of us. And because I am not all knowing I need your help.
Please help me compile that list of those organizations in your city that are putting in work and need help. Using the template that I have established above, let us know in the comments the organization, city, a brief description, address, website, etc…
If you don’t have all the information that is fine, I will work to fill in the blanks.
Lets cut out the twitter fingers and start putting in actual work folk!!!
This illustration sums up the most what a lot of us are doing these days: