******Spoiler Free******
Black Panther is probably the Best Black or Superhero or Action movie I have ever seen.
I say this because it’s probably the only movie I have seen where every single BLACK Character was sooooooo Black, Strong, Intelligent, Passionate, Reasonable and a fawking bad ass. I mean everybody is an inspiration from the Villain (Killmonger) down to the Kings Guard (Dora Milaje). Everybody is passionate, fierce and very authentic. It’s a Joy.
Have you ever watched a movie that gets better after you’ve seen it?
Well that has been my experience with Black Panther. I just keep realizing all kinds of things I miss. It is great.
Having said all that, this post is less about the movie and more about the inspiration that I drew from each character. I will try to describe these with no spoilers. Although some may slip out…

Yes, this is indeed a character in the movie. The fictional Nation stands in as that beacon to what we should strive to be as a people. It’s a community that began as fractionalized tribes that have been united under a king with a true community Identity.
It also doesn’t hurt that it’s probably the richest nation in the world. That’s been sitting on technological marvels for centuries. Just black excellence personified.
It’s inspiring because the only time I’ve seen a black kingdom depicted nearly to this extent was in “Coming to America”.

Coming to America was a big inspiration to me as a child. But Wakanda is an entirely different beast. The music, the colors, the outfits all were amazing and felt authentic. The culture is on full display and I loved it!
Dora Milaje:
Man o Man first of all the idea of a King or Boss being guarded by women has been seen in other movies, shows, etc.… But when have you ever expected that to be effective?
Well these women not only are extremely dangerous, fierce and disciplined they are also loyal, effective and extremely beautiful.
I cannot wait for our kids to see these women in action. They are Black Girl Magic personified and I love them.
That leads me to their Commander
General Okoye (Danai Gurira):
Michone killed it. She was perfectly cast as the leader of the Dora Milaje. And her strength was apparent as soon as she entered the frame.
What I liked about her character the most is that she screams strong black women without the stereotypical angry black women angle. She respects her king and country and is extremely loyal to both and it shows. I imagine our little girls and woman will gain inspiration from her. She is a superhero without powers.
M’Baku (Winston Duke):
This man manages a people who are isolated within an isolated/hidden country. He has immense pressure on him and you can tell that he is eager to usher his people into the light. Hence his challenge for the throne.
I admire his courage. He tried it, failed and then made the adult decision to do what was right.
Nakia (Lupita Nyong’o):
She reminds me the most of a bunch of the women in my life. That one women in your city who is independently waging war against social justices. I’ve known women in every city I’ve lived in (Around 7).
That’s Nakia and she is a beast at what she does and has sacrificed much to do so. She finds strength in her independence and you never feel like she’s disloyal. Probably the most “Human” character, very relatable.
Shuri (Letitia Wright)
Show Stealer. Not only is she arguably the most intelligent person in the Marvel Comics Universe (MCU). She is extremely funny. Provided the most comic relief in the movie.
She is inspirational because it shows kids that you can be Smart, Different and Proud whilst also being black. Its a beautiful thing and executed perfectly.
Erik Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan):
We have had a lot of villains in our movies…
…There’s Shonuf from The Last Dragon, Simon Caine from Meteor Man and Stephan from Django. But man I doubt there has ever been a villain like Killmonger in the Black Panther.
As a black man I don’t know of a more relatable villain. I mean it was extremely hard not to empathize with him because everything he said in the movie was REAL. The only thing that kept me from rooting for him in the movie were his harsh actions throughout the movie. But man you can’t fault him for that either considering the circumstances. His performance was fantastic and just black. I loved all of the Oakland references too.
I was extremely inspired by his focus. He worked his way all the way from the bottom and almost reached his goal. And Michael B Jordan has inspired ya boy to hit the gym.
Also I loved the interactions between his character and T’Challah. Just imagine a kid from the hoods in Oakland growing up to challenge an all-powerful African king and all that entails. The slang, swagger all that. And then consider T ’Challah’s Regalness it’s just fascinating stuff.
T’Challah (Chadwich Boseman):
The Glue that makes it all fit. Most people will walk away from the movie thinking that some of the other characters outshined the main protagonist Black Panther. And they may be right. But….
….They are definitely wrong. Chadwich Boseman was able to play a superhero who’s every decision cannot really be questioned. He plays a king who has character and the respect of his people in a world where the African Kings on the forefront are portrayed as corrupt and heartless.
The strength of his acting allowed the other stars to shine next to him and I think he just made everybody better. Everybody hit their marks and Bozeman was in practically every scene. And just the Honor and Integrity that he showed without was just an inspiration.
Of every Character I personally most identify with T’Challah. Because I feel like a man burdened with the responsibility to help his people. And if you are reading this I think you probably feel the same.
In Conclusion folks I loved the movie (if you couldn’t tell). I also love the event that we have made out of it. Not because it’s a black movie but because the movie actually deserves it. I cannot see any reason why you and your family won’t enjoy this movie so please support.
Lets continue to get better together! #Being a Better Black Man
P.S. Go ahead and listen to the Soundtrack for Black Panther it is FIRE and sooooo appropriate.