Who AM I? Blog Introduction


….A Black Man…

…..Who has helped raised three black boys in a black house, with a black car, with a black woman….

…..I went to a bad school, with a bad plan and a bad budget….

…..Grew up with seven kids, in a bad house, on a bad hill, in a bad city…..

…..I’ve been shot at, jumped, spat on, abused,stabbed at, arrested and I’ve survived….

…..And I’ve done bad things to the ones I love and I am trying now to be the better ME!

That’s all that you will get about me now.

In this blog I will go through the various problems I see with black men and some suggestions on how WE can do better. Some example topics will be Black Men and Relationships, Black Men and Family, Black Men and their friendships. I will also have an occasional guest post whose message I am in support of.

This is NOT a Relationship Blog. Because we are more than our relationships. And being a better man encompasses EVERYTHING. From how we love to how we navigate the world.

I am not an expert in the problems and solutions facing us as men. Nor am I saying that any of the solutions that I suggest are the only way to go (there are many ways to skin a cat). So please keep that in mind when you read this blog.

Everything that I will write will be out of love for my people. A people who I believe to be the best of them all regardless of our faults…..

Also as a place holder for the blogs official branding (which I am working on). I will post a picture of someone who I draw inspiration from. Then I will share with you the three characteristics they exude from which WE should draw.

The plan is to drop a new post every week on Wednesday. Unless i have a guest post that will randomly be published.

Thank you for your time!

Most Recent Posts

Community Corner

A big part of being a better man is helping your community. The best place to start serving your community is your own family and friends. This section of the blog is where I will give back to my friends and family by posting their charitable/voluntary initiatives, music, movies, products, etc…

If you like anything in this section please support however you can. Thank YOU!

Black Reviews of White SH$T!!!

In this section I will review Various things that I consider “White Sh$T”.

For example Cold Play is a white music group. I may review an album of theirs. Or I will review things that “white” people frequent like subscription boxes, meal services, etc..

Every review will be judged under the chicken wing grading system.

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If there is anything that you want me to review please feel free to let me know.

Thank YOU

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